C GRADI2 SOURCE OF166741 24/12/13 21:15:55 12097 & INORM,ICHELM) C************************************************************************ C C PROJET : CASTEM 2000 C C NOM : GRADI2 C C DESCRIPTION : Appelle par PENDI2 C C LANGAGE : FORTRAN 77 + ESOPE 2000 (avec extensions CISI) C C AUTEUR : A. BECCANTINI C C************************************************************************ C C Inputs: C C ICEN : MELEME CENTRE C C ISOMM : MELEME SOMMET C C IFACL0 : MELEME FACEL (centre G + F + CENTRE D) C C IFACEP : MELEME FACEP (SOMMET belonging to a face + F) C C ISGLI1 : SPG of Dirichlet BC C C ISGLI2 : SPG of von Neumann BC C C INORM : interfaces normales C C Output : C C ICHELM : MCHAML which contains coeff. to compute gradients C IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO -INC SMLENTI -INC SMELEME C POINTEUR MLEPOI.MLENTI, MLECOE.MLENTI, MLECOF.MLENTI & ,MLEPOF.MLENTI C INTEGER ICEN,ISOMM,IFACL0,IFACEP,IFACE,IFACEL & ,ICHELM,ISGLI1,ISGLI2,INORM C & ,I1,I2,IELEM,JG,NBE,NBN,NBSOUS,NGF,NGF1 C C C**** FACE, FACEL, FACEP must have the same order, i.e. C the i-th point of FACE belongs also to the i-th element of C FACEP and to the i-th element of FACEL C IF(IERR .NE. 0)GOTO 9999 C C**** test RLEORD C C MELEME= IFACEP C IPT1 = IFACEL C SEGACT MELEME C SEGACT IPT1 C NBSOUS=MELEME.LISOUS(/1) C JG=MAX(1,NBSOUS) C SEGINI MLENTI C IF(NBSOUS.EQ.0)THEN C MLENTI.LECT(1)=IFACEP C ELSE C DO I1 = 1, NBSOUS, 1 C MLENTI.LECT(I1)=MELEME.LISOUS(I1) C ENDDO C ENDIF C NBSOUS=JG C IELEM=0 C DO I1 = 1, NBSOUS, 1 C IPT2=MLENTI.LECT(I1) C SEGACT IPT2 C NBN=IPT2.NUM(/1) C NBE=IPT2.NUM(/2) C DO I2 = 1, NBE, 1 C IELEM=IELEM+1 C NGF=IPT2.NUM(NBN,I2) C NGF1=IPT1.NUM(2,IELEM) C write(ioimp,*) ngf, ngf1 C ENDDO C ENDDO C C**** Fin test C C C**** N.B: IFACEL has the same order of face as IFACEP. At the end C we have to destroy IFACEL C C**** The neighbors of each points 'SOMMET' C Two cases: C - If the 'sommet' point is on the border, the 'FACE' C and the 'CENTRE' points are both neighbors C - If the 'sommet' point does not belongs to the border, the C 'CENTRE' points are both neighbors C IF(IERR.NE.0) GOTO 9999 C C RLENSO creates MLEPOI C MLEPOI : list of integers. C MLEPOI.LECT(I) is the pointer of the list of integers C MLENTI which contains the neighbors of the i-th sommet C point. C IF(IERR.NE.0) GOTO 9999 C C RLENCO creates MRECOE C MLECOE : list of integers. C MLECOE.LECT(I) is the pointer of the list of real C MLREEL which contains the coefficient of the i-th sommet C to compute its value as function of the values on C its neighbors. C Note that ISGLI1 is the support of the Dirichlet boundary C conditions; ISGLI2 is the support of the von Neumann boundary C conditions. Their intersection is 0 and their union is C the total boundary. This is checked in the subroutine C RLENCO C IF(IERR.NE.0) GOTO 9999 C C RLENCF creates MLEPOF,MLECOF C C MLEPOF : list of integers. C MLEPOF.LECT(I) is the pointer of the list of the neighbors C of the I-th FACE. Neighbors are 'CENTRE' points and C 'VERTEX' points. C C MLECOF : list of integers. C MLECOF.LECT(I) is the pointer of the matrix of real C which contains the coefficient of the i-th face C to compute its gradient as function of the values on C its neighbors. C IF(IERR.NE.0) GOTO 9999 C C RLENCT adjusts MLEPOF,MLECOF such that C C MLEPOF : list of integers. C MLEPOF.LECT(I) is the pointer of the list of the neighbors C of the I-th FACE. Neighbors are just 'CENTRE' points and C 'boundary conditions' points. C C MLECOF : list of integers. C MLECOF.LECT(I) is the pointer of the matrix of real C which contains the coefficient of the i-th face C to compute its gradient as function of the values on C its neighbors. C C N.B.: segments MLEPOI,MLECOE are destroyed into RLENCT C C C**** Creation de MCHAML C MLECOE, MLEPOF -> MCHAML C IF(IERR.NE.0)GOTO 9999 C C**** On detrui le IFACEL et IFAC ici crée C MELEME=IFACEL SEGSUP MELEME MELEME=IFACE SEGSUP MELEME C 9999 CONTINUE RETURN END
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