C RLENCT SOURCE OF166741 24/12/13 21:17:24 12097 C************************************************************************ C C PROJET : CASTEM 2000 C C NOM : RLENCT C C DESCRIPTION : Appelle par GRADI2 C C LANGAGE : FORTRAN 77 + ESOPE 2000 (avec extensions CISI) C C AUTEUR : A. BECCANTINI C C************************************************************************ C C C This subroutine computes the coefficients to compute the gradient C at intefaces with respect to the values on its neighbors. C The neighbors are 'CENTRE' points or 'boundary condition' points. C C**** Inputs: C C MELFL = 'FACEL' meleme C C MELSOM = 'SOMMET' meleme C C MLEPOI = list of integers. C MLEPOI.LECT(i) points to the list neighbors of C MELSOM.NUM(1,I). Neighbors are 'CENTRE' points or C 'boundary condition' points C MLECOE = list of integers. C MLECOE.LECT(i) points to the list of real of coeffients C to compute the vertex values C C MLEPOF = list of integers. C MLEPOI.LECT(i) points to the list neighbors of C MELFL.NUM(2,i). Neighbors are 'CENTRE' points or C 'SOMMET' points. C MLECOF = list of integers. C MLECOE.LECT(i) points to the matrix of coeffients to C compute the gradient with respect the neighbors value C C**** Output: C C MLEPOF = list of integers. C MLEPOI.LECT(i) points to the list neighbors of C MELFL.NUM(2,i). Neighbors are 'CENTRE' points or C 'boundary condition' points. The first one is the C 'FACE' point itself. C MLECOE = list of integers. C MLECOE.LECT(i) points to the matrix of coeffients to C compute the gradient C IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO -INC SMCOORD -INC SMLENTI -INC SMLREEL -INC SMELEME C INTEGER NTP, NFAC, IFAC, NVOIF, IVOIF, NGV, NLS, NLV & ,NVOIS,IVOIS,NGVS, LAST, LAST0, NSOMM, IPOS & ,I1,ICELL,NGF REAL*8 CELL INTEGER JG INTEGER N1,N2 SEGMENT MATRIX REAL*8 MAT(N1,N2) ENDSEGMENT POINTEUR MELSOM.MELEME, MLEPOI.MLENTI,MLECOE.MLENTI, MELFL.MELEME & ,MLEPOF.MLENTI,MLECOF.MLENTI & ,MATCOE.MATRIX,MATCO1.MATRIX,MLRCOE.MLREEL,MLREST.MLENTI & ,MLESOM.MLENTI,MLPOSI.MLENTI C C SEGACT MELFL C NTP=nbpts C C**** Chaining list C LAST C MLREST(NTP) C JG=NTP SEGINI MLREST LAST=-1 C C**** Position of a point in the list of neighbors C MLREST is used to clean it at the end C JG=NTP SEGINI MLPOSI C C**** We create the MLENTI for the sommets C IF(IERR .NE. 0)GOTO 9999 C En KRIPAD C SEGACT MELSOM C SEGINI MLESOM C SEGACT MLEPOF*MOD NFAC=MLEPOF.LECT(/1) SEGACT MLECOF*MOD C SEGACT MLEPOI SEGACT MLECOE C NSOMM=MLEPOI.LECT(/1) DO I1=1,NSOMM,1 MLENTI=MLEPOI.LECT(I1) SEGACT MLENTI MLREEL=MLECOE.LECT(I1) SEGACT MLREEL ENDDO C DO IFAC=1,NFAC,1 NGF=MELFL.NUM(2,IFAC) MLENT1=MLEPOF.LECT(IFAC) SEGACT MLENT1 NVOIF=MLENT1.LECT(/1) C C******* We fill MLREST, MLPOSI C LAST=-1 IPOS=1 MLREST.LECT(NGF)=LAST LAST=NGF DO IVOIF=1,NVOIF,1 NGV=MLENT1.LECT(IVOIF) C C********** First of all, we have to check if this is a C 'SOMMET' point. In that case we have to replace C it by its neighbors. C NLS=MLESOM.LECT(NGV) C IF(NLS .GT. 0)THEN C 'SOMMET' MLENT2=MLEPOI.LECT(NLS) NVOIS=MLENT2.LECT(/1) DO IVOIS=1,NVOIS,1 NGVS=MLENT2.LECT(IVOIS) NLV=MLREST.LECT(NGVS) IF(NLV .EQ. 0)THEN C C**************** New point C IPOS=IPOS+1 MLREST.LECT(NGVS)=LAST LAST=NGVS ENDIF ENDDO ELSE C 'CENTRE' NLV=MLREST.LECT(NGV) IF(NLV .EQ. 0)THEN C C************* New point C IPOS=IPOS+1 MLREST.LECT(NGV)=LAST LAST=NGV ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO C C********** We create the new list of neighbors C JG=IPOS SEGINI MLENTI MLEPOF.LECT(IFAC)=MLENTI LAST0=LAST DO IVOIF=1,IPOS,1 I1=(IPOS-IVOIF)+1 MLENTI.LECT(I1)=LAST MLPOSI.LECT(LAST)=I1 LAST=MLREST.LECT(LAST) ENDDO IF(LAST .NE. -1)THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'subroutine rlenct.eso' ENDIF LAST=LAST0 C C******* Summarizing C C MLENTI: list of the new 'FACE' neighbors C MLENT1: list of the old 'FACE' neighbors C MLENT2: is free. It has been used and it will be used C for the 'SOMMET' neighbors. C MLPOSI: position of the new neighbors into MLENTI C MLREST + LAST : chaining list, used to clean MLPOSI C C******* Let us call C MATCOE: matrix of the 'FACE' coeff (IDIM+1,*) C MATCO1: matrix of the old 'FACE' coeff. (IDIM+1,*) C MLRCOE: list of the 'SOMMET coeff C C MATCO1=MLECOF.LECT(IFAC) SEGACT MATCO1 N1=IDIM+1 N2=MLENTI.LECT(/1) SEGINI MATCOE MLECOF.LECT(IFAC)=MATCOE C C******* Loop on the old 'FACE' neighbors C NVOIF=MLENT1.LECT(/1) DO IVOIF=1,NVOIF,1 NGV=MLENT1.LECT(IVOIF) NLS=MLESOM.LECT(NGV) C IF(NLS .GT. 0)THEN C 'SOMMET' MLENT2=MLEPOI.LECT(NLS) MLRCOE=MLECOE.LECT(NLS) NVOIS=MLENT2.LECT(/1) DO IVOIS=1,NVOIS,1 NGVS=MLENT2.LECT(IVOIS) IPOS=MLPOSI.LECT(NGVS) IF(IPOS .EQ. 0)THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'subroutine rlenct.eso' ENDIF DO I1=1,IDIM+1,1 MATCOE.MAT(I1,IPOS)=MATCOE.MAT(I1,IPOS)+ ENDDO ENDDO ELSE C 'CENTRE' IPOS=MLPOSI.LECT(NGV) DO I1=1,IDIM+1,1 MATCOE.MAT(I1,IPOS)=MATCOE.MAT(I1,IPOS)+ & MATCO1.MAT(I1,IVOIF) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO C CC CC******* Test CC C ipos=mlenti.lect(/1) C write(*,*) 'ngf=',melfl.num(2,ifac) C write(*,*) 'ntvois=',ipos C write(*,*) 'nvois=',(mlenti.lect(ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C write(*,*) 'Position=', C & (mlposi.lect(mlenti.lect(ivoif)),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C write(*,*) 'coeff(1) =',(matcoe.mat(1,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C write(*,*) 'coeff(2) =',(matcoe.mat(2,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C write(*,*) 'coeff(3) =',(matcoe.mat(3,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C if(idim.eq.3) write(*,*) 'coeff(4)=', C & (matcoe.mat(4,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C cell=0.0D0 C do ivoif=1,ipos,1 C cell=cell+matcoe.mat(1,ivoif) C enddo C write(*,*) 'sum=',cell C if(abs(cell-1.0d0) .gt. 1.0d-10)then CC It must be true if I just consider Dirichlet B.C. C call erreur(5) C goto 9999 C endif C C******* We clean MLPOSI and MLREST C NVOIS=MLENTI.LECT(/1) DO IVOIF=1,NVOIS,1 MLPOSI.LECT(LAST)=0 ICELL=LAST LAST=MLREST.LECT(ICELL) MLREST.LECT(ICELL)=0 ENDDO IF(LAST .NE. -1)THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'subroutine rlenct.eso' ENDIF C SEGSUP MATCO1 SEGSUP MLENT1 SEGDES MATCOE SEGDES MLENTI C ENDDO CC CC******* Test CC C do ifac=1,nfac,1 C mlenti=mlepof.lect(ifac) C matcoe=mlecof.lect(ifac) C segact mlenti C segact matcoe C ipos=mlenti.lect(/1) C write(*,*) 'ngf=',melfl.num(2,ifac) C write(*,*) 'ntvois=',ipos C write(*,*) 'nvois=',(mlenti.lect(ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C write(*,*) 'coeff(1) =',(matcoe.mat(1,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C write(*,*) 'coeff(2) =',(matcoe.mat(2,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C write(*,*) 'coeff(3) =',(matcoe.mat(3,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C if(idim.eq.3) write(*,*) 'coeff(4)=', C & (matcoe.mat(4,ivoif),ivoif=1,ipos,1) C cell=0.0D0 C do ivoif=1,ipos,1 C cell=cell+matcoe.mat(1,ivoif) C enddo C write(*,*) 'sum=',cell C if(abs(cell-1.0d0) .gt. 1.0d-10)then CC It must be true if I just consider Dirichlet B.C. C call erreur(5) C goto 9999 C endif C segdes mlenti C segdes matcoe C enddo C SEGDES MELFL C SEGSUP MLREST SEGSUP MLPOSI C SEGDES MELSOM SEGSUP MLESOM C SEGDES MLEPOF SEGDES MLECOF C NSOMM=MLEPOI.LECT(/1) DO I1=1,NSOMM,1 MLENTI=MLEPOI.LECT(I1) SEGSUP MLENTI MLREEL=MLECOE.LECT(I1) SEGSUP MLREEL ENDDO SEGSUP MLEPOI SEGSUP MLECOE C 9999 CONTINUE RETURN END
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