C KDOM1 SOURCE OF166741 24/12/13 21:16:00 12097 C C************************************************************************ C C PROJET : CASTEM 2000 C C NOM : KDOM1 C C DESCRIPTION : Lecture du modele EULER C Restitution de la table domaine remplie C C LANGAGE : FORTRAN 77 + ESOPE 2000 (avec estensions CISI) C C AUTEUR : A. BECCANTINI, DRN/DMT/SEMT/LTMF C C************************************************************************ C C E/S : MTAB : domaine table C MELEMQ : QUAF mesh C C************************************************************************ C C Created the 24/02/04 C IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) INTEGER MTAB, MELEME, IRET, MELEMQ -INC SMMODEL -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO C C C**** We create the table C C C**** We create the QUAF (MAILLAGE + CENTRE + FACE) C CALL PRCHAN IF(IERR.NE.0)GOTO 9999 C C We change the position of the noeud into the QUAF. C Each elements is divided into triangles/tetraedras C The centers of interfaces/elements are computed using these C elementary meshes C C C******** AXIS C IF(IFOMOD .EQ. 0)THEN IF(IDIM.EQ.2)THEN IF(IERR.NE.0)GOTO 9999 ELSE WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'Axis-symmetrical in 2D only' GOTO 9999 ENDIF ELSE IF(IERR.NE.0)GOTO 9999 C C******* Now we recreate the 'MAILLAGE'. C We also create the 'CENTRE', 'FACE', 'FACEL', 'ELTFA', 'FACEP' C 'XXVOLUM', 'XXSURFAC', 'XXNORMAF', 'XXDIEMIN' C ENDIF C 9999 RETURN C END
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